Sharing a shack together is an important social activity for the children to experience. We aim to provide healthy, nutritious and varied snacks such as fresh and dried fruit, vegetables and salad, crackers, bread sticks, fruit toast, houmous etc. We often link the snacks to our current topic or special cultural celebrations to encourage the children to try a diverse range of foods.
We ask that all parents notify us of any special dietary requirements, preferences, allergies or intolerances that your child may have and we also operate a nut-free policy, so if your child attends the setting for lunch, their packed lunch must not contain any nuts or nut products e.g. peanut butter or nut-based chocolate spreads.
If you wish to send in a cake to celebrate your child's birthday, then we kindly ask that it is a shop-bought product supplied in the original box so that we may check the ingredients list for any potential allergens for other children in the setting. Home made cakes are also welcome, but please note that we will send this home with the children rather than supply this as part of the session.