Parent Notices

Fundraising with The Giving Machine

Just a reminder that if you shop online, you can raise a free cash donation with every purchase if you join It’s really simple, you enter your favourite shops via TheGivingMachine and a percentage of your shopping bill is converted into a cash donation for us, at no extra cost to you. With over 2,000 stores participating including Amazon, John Lewis and Tesco taking part, you can really help make a difference.

Wet weather clothing

As the weather has turned decidedly cold, wet and windy, we would appreciate it if you could ensure that your child has a pair of waterproof trousers, wellies and a change of clothes at the pre-school for outdoor play. Unfortunately we do not have enough spare clothing for all the children, and we are unable to let the children go outside if they do not have the appropriate clothing.

Parent Questionnaire Results

Dear Parents & Carers,

Thank you to all of you who completed the parent questionnaire earlier this year. We have now had a chance to analyse the results, and I attach a letter from the Pre-School which addresses some of the points and feedback we received.

If you have any questions or concerns, then please do let me know.

Kind regards,

Mother Goose Pre-School Business Administrator

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