We recently changed our legal structure to a charitable incorporated organisation, and as such have a new registration number with Ofsted. We have not yet had an inspection under our new number (EY556015), but you can find below a summary of our last inspection under our old registration number (EY259672).
Our most recent Ofsted inspection took place on 13th May 2015, and the inspector found that Mother Goose Pre-School was ‘Good’ in all areas and summarised:
The quality of teaching is good because all staff have a strong knowledge and understanding of the areas of learning. The staff join in children's play and generally challenge them as they learn.
All children love to learn outdoors. The staff ensure that children experience all seven areas of learning in the garden. Furthermore, they give children the option to eat their lunch indoors or outdoors and staff are effectively deployed to support their choices.
Observations and assessments are carried out regularly and, staff have an accurate understanding of what children can do and how to plan for the next steps in their learning.
Effective partnerships with parents ensure they are well informed about, and supported with, their children's learning and well-being. Parents comment on how well their children are prepared for the move to school.
The pre-school staff continue to develop their knowledge and understanding through undertaking appropriate early years qualifications and attending regular training. This demonstrates the staffs' commitment to continually improve their practice and strengthen the progress children make.
The pre-school provides a relaxed, fun and welcoming environment where each child is respected. The pre-school leader and staff are vigilant about children's safety. They implement robust procedures to protect children and provide a secure environment.
A copy of the full report is available to download here.